Welcome to the Ultimate

Tai Mai Shu

Fan Page


Wazzup Everybody!!! This page is for the ultimate freestyle rapper, Tai  Mai Shu.

Check out his phat songs, my icons, and his lyrics.  Peace Out Side!!!


Tai Mai Shu - Freestyle

Jack, yee , som
Microphone testing One, two, three
In the place to be 
Wassup everybody my name is Tai Mai Shu
And I am going to rapping for you today
Just a little freestyle
But first and for most I would like to thanking
Woadie style, the uncompare, for getting my belt back
And promotion my skills 
And in return, I would teach them how to make One Million dollars,
Wow, and when you here you'll be like "Wow, I don't believe"
So simple, no skill involved at all, I could have thought that myself
But you say what, what the hell! I don't believe
Check it out tho
I was cruizing down the street in my impalla
They ask me who the girl I said
That's just my baby ma
I don't give a fuck about the hoe 
I sock that bitch in the jaw
Cuz I spy put the nails in after I was suposed to die
Music, give me the dvd's, Break into your houses, steal all of ur keys.
Get your daddy in the peepee. Yeah and u can see see
I run around the corner and laughing hehe hehe
Get your mom in a headlock or a full nelson
Then I let your nigger watch Chinese food and wilson 
Then I rape his mama cuz i'm too sexy
Ishan shuka dundooah shit
Back in my apalla sick as '82
Saw my friend young, His first name is eggfoo
Alot of people don't like me but I don't a fuck
Cuz i stole your T.V, an it's in my chewy gum bunker
I wish today was sunday so I could get a cheeseburger for 
39 cent at McDonald, Baby! 
And I wish it was it was Wednesday so I could get a hamburger for
29 cent at McDonalds, Baby!

I was talkin to this girl (girl)
She said she want my dick, I looking at her eyeball and say u full of bull shit
Then she look at me and she say Fuck you,  I say no's way I have to go to skool
Im an active Chinese boy,(boy) I have a lot to talk about 
Try to argue wime I say Get the hell outa o ha oh
I like the Old skool(skool) I like the New skool(skool)
My girlfriend like my name(name) Neha Tai Mai Shu
Let me take a look I like to injure u
What the hell I was bout to say Bok. bok, bok
I take my skills seirous and no it's not for fun
I like to eat Chow fun and how to eat Won ton
Chinese student go to skool, Early in the morning
And I like to play kickball inside the skoolyard
Chinese student do homework and they study real hard
I walk by these good-looking girl
They say you smell like moth balls, balls, balls
Wow, you do fight good
Yeah wutever dude 
Just give me free kMarlbol light
I wish today was sunday so I could get a cheeseburger for 
39 cent at McDonalds Babe 
And I wish it was it was Wednesday so I could get an hamburger for
29 cent at McDonalds Babe
All my real live Chinese people throw your hand up, throw your hand up, just throw your hand up
All my real live Chinese people throw your hand up, throw your hand up, just throw your hand up
Hong Kong Peopo, throw your hand up, throw dos hand up, just throw your hand up
Chinese peopo, Japanese people... every peopo... throw your hand up!
Re wiya! I am a warrior!
We blasted on them!
I got four fos so you kids don't going
I am real hard! 
Peace outside!
Damn you. You know what I'm saying

Tai Mai Shu Icons:

Download "Tie My Shoe", his first hit song!

"Tie My Shoe"

Download his other songs off Napster!

Combo #5 (Parody of Mambo #5)

Bran's Freestyle

Chinese Chicken


This Page is Brought to You by

Sam H.

Tai Mai Shu's #1 Fan


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